According to M. Buckingham there are 9. It is the first time ever that I have pre-ordered a book after reading an interview promoting a new title.
Some of the lies I used to believe, some of them I spread, but having been around for 2 decades now I am thrilled a book finally offers the research foundation to dispel what I have seen to make no sense for quite some time.
Most importantly it gave me reason to question the fundamental direction the HR function is travelling.
For far too long, we have been desperate to emulate other functions, tried to quantify the unquantifiable, measure the unmeasurable, squeezing everything into boxes and process with the objective to justify our value.
Buckingham spells it out: People are messy, organisations are messy.
As a HR Community we want to re-focus on our own strengths: We are comfortable and capable in dealing with the complexities of human nature and organisational dynamics.
Instead we appear annoyed by any type of human individuality because we struggle to fit it into overengineered tools and processes.
Buckingham touches on a number of big, thought-provoking themes.
The book is out today. What do you think will be on the list of 9 lies?
#dynamics #agility #engagement
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